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Original & Cover Songs
Original & Cover Songs
Original & Cover Songs
Meet the heart-over-head folk-pop singer-songwriter:
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Jess Irvine
Apr 12, 2021
Everything Is Unfolding Perfectly
There's nothing quite like a day spent de-cluttering the house and pouring over old memories and keepsakes to remind you of just how far...
Jess Irvine
Apr 7, 2021
Tossing Away the Adulting Handbook
In a recent blog post, I mentioned that I had my heart set on a Play-Doh kit. You read right...a Play-Doh Kit! One of my favourite things...
Jess Irvine
Apr 5, 2021
Happy Monday (Moon Day)
Astrology shows us that each day of the week is ruled by a different planets. In fact, three of the days of the week are actually named...
Jess Irvine
Apr 2, 2021
Better Than You Ever Could Have Imagined
As I write this, it is 5am. The kookaburras and all other kinds of birds are beginning to stir. The sun is on her way. And I find myself...
Jess Irvine
Jan 18, 2021
You are Divine & Expansive
Stop putting yourself in a box! You divine, EXPANSIVE human. Stop limiting yourself to labels that will never truly capture the miracle...
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